Saturday, August 6, 2016

Program #5 Hot Yoga with Tea Musketaquid of Fire and Water Yoga

On today’s program we look at the phenomenon of yoga, hot yoga in particular, and the Fire and Water hot yoga studio in Amherst, Massachusetts.  We talk to its founder,  Tea Musketaquid—a yoga teacher with a generous vision for community yoga studio could be, who has not only envisioned, but brought into being largely with his own labor, a beautiful studio featuring a beautiful 800 square foot practice room with mahogany flooring, and individual changing room/showers, and a juice bar in front with outdoor tables for special events.

His own varied background includes extensive study of farming (he studied integrated pest management at the Stockbridge School of Agriculture), martial arts, national championship level motorcycle racing. But it was the aftermath of a severe automobile accident that he began the search that brought him to yoga.

In our discussion we begin with the question, of why yoga, and why hot yoga and he speaks of how his overcoming of severe health crisis challenged him to embark on his own successful path of recovery of health and the development of clarity and balance which he is excited to share through his work.

Listen to the interview at:

Fire and Water Yoga studio
39 Boltwood Walk in Amherst Massachusetts.
You can learn more about them by going to their website

And see images of the studio and more on the Fire and Water Yoga Facebook page.

Newspaper article from Hampshire Gazette

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